List Of Countries In Asia In Alphabetical Order

The full list is shown in the table below, with current population and subregion . USTR’s Office of South and Central Asian Affairs oversees development and implementation of U.S. trade policy and negotiation strategies for South Asia and the Central Asian states . Above is a listing of countries that are generally defined as the “Indo-Asia-Pacific” region and most are routinely invited to APCSS courses. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Asia is the largest of the world’s continents, and home to the world's oldest civilizations.

Recently, India has managed to attract foreign investments, liberalized FDI in key sectors like defense, real estate, railways, and insurance, and progressed towards energy efficiency. Afghanistan has one of the lowest growth rates of all South Asian countries, at less than 3%. Largely, this is due to pressing security risks and political tension after the suspension of the U.S.-Taliban peace negotiations. However, its agriculture sector continues to grow as favorable weather reverses the impacts of a drought in 2018, prompting economists to favor Afghanistan's GDP growth projections in the next few years.

Much like HITEC City, Hyderabad’s Genome Valley is a large campus of facilities that houses more than 100 biotech companies, including Novartis, Monsanto, and Pfizer. The city has also developed campuses for the study of nanotechnology and the manufacturing of advanced semiconductors and solar technologies. This aggressive investment in high-tech industries will most likely continue to bring revenue and jobs into the city. As a result, Hyderabad must deal with a swelling population in need of more goods and services well into the future. Extractive activities are an important part of the economies of many Asian countries.

In the statement, Ambassador Mazlan Muhammad reiterated that ASEAN Member States always regard nuclear disarmament as their priority and suggested the creation of a clear timeline to ensure the fulfilment of the Conference’s objectives. He also mentioned the Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone issue, the disappointing outcome of the 2015 NPT Review Conference, the humanitarian consequences of the use of nuclear weapons, as well as other relevant disarmament issues. India, the bellwether of South Asia, has successfully diversified its manufactured product base and enhanced its production capabilities. However, in recent years India's GDP growth has weakened from a slowing economy, some inflation in the food industry, and declining oil prices.

International Migration: Mediterranean Basin And The Middle East

When Western explorers reached South and East Asia in early modern times, they extended that label to the whole of the immense landmass. While this global health crisis continues to evolve, it can be useful to look to past pandemics to better understand how to respond today.

Lake Baikal, which is 5,315 feet deep and whose bottom lies 3,822 feet below sea level, are all located in Asia. Those physiographic extremes and the overall predominance of mountain belts and plateaus are the result of the collision of tectonic plates. In geologic terms, Asia comprises several very ancient continental platforms and other blocks of land that merged over the eons. Most of those units had coalesced as a continental landmass by about 160 million years ago, when the core of the Indian subcontinent broke off from Africa and began drifting northeastward to collide with the southern flank of Asia about 50 million to 40 million years ago.

Nations like Bangladesh have emerged as major exporters of textile products and have benefited from lower prices of cotton. However, while many energy-hungry nations such as India have efficiently used the recent low cost of oil to stockpile huge inventories of oil for future use, rising energy prices present long-term downside risks. The primary South Asian countries include India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka, as well as smaller nations including Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives. Since most of the inhabitants (85%) live in the European part of the country, Russia is listed in our overview of Europe.

In addition, a new $100 million project seeks to increase the economic empowerment of poor, rural women. Cheaper commodities also assisted these economies with declining inflation, enabling governments to focus on infrastructure development and move ahead with much-needed economic reforms. The region generally has stable governments that have introduced supportive policies to facilitate international investments and helped improve investor sentiment.

They welcomed China’s announcement made in July 1999 of its readiness to accede to the Protocol to the Treaty, and called on the other NWS to exercise greater flexibility in consultations on the Protocol. The Ministers reiterated importance of CBMs and PD in the intra-regional relations and stressed the importance of continued participation of defense and military officials in the ARF process. In view of the US withdrawal from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the Ministers welcomed the signing of the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions between the Russian Federation and the United States on 24 May 2002. They noted the importance of this Treaty as a contribution to strategic balance, world peace, and long-term international security. They further called for the NWS to continue dialogue to look for new ideas and approaches to address the issue of nuclear disarmament.

Gender And Development: Labor Force Participation In 2020

The ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference Ten Plus One (PMC 10 +1) sessions on 1 July focused on “the overview and future direction of ASEAN cooperation with its Dialogue Partners”. The ASEAN members developed and adopted a Plan of Action for furthering implementation of the SEANWFZ. The Plan is intended to increase regional coordination in opposition to nuclear weapons and deepen regional participation in the relevant international agreements. Under the Plan of Action, States agree to pursue completion of IAEA safeguard agreements and accession to the Convention on Early Notification of Nuclear Accidents and regional emergency response plans. In addition, the states agreed to consider accession to other relevant instruments such as the CTBT and the counter-terrorism conventions related to nuclear weapons.

Southeast Asia

This support was influenced in part by political unrest during the 1970s and by demands to redistribute wealth and income to satisfy the ‘basic needs’ of the poor . However, the level of political commitment to PHC throughout the region has been weak, except in Vietnam. The thriving of such organizations clearly is related to the failure of documented migration systems and enhanced policing of migration is unlikely to solve the problem of undocumented migration. Improvement of official migration systems must be part of the increasing international effort to combat the people smuggling and trafficking which is especially rife in South and Southeast Asia. In countries of origin there is a need for information programs which provide potential migrants with detailed, accurate information about the costs of the migration process and the nature of the experience at the destination. The pressing issue of protection of migrants and migrant workers from the region is related to that of controlling the intermediaries in the migration process.

Association Of Southeast Asian Nations Asean

The Southeast Asian countries were being compelled to review their own national security by taking these factors into consideration. However, national statistics for the higher income countries may disguise regions within countries with health status well below the national average, e.g., West Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia, and Northeast Thailand. In countries like India and the Philippines there appears to be an oversupply of some skilled groups in relation to the opportunities available locally. Nevertheless, there can be no doubt that the emigration of some skilled groups can be detrimental to local economies in some cases. Some countries in the region (e.g., Pakistan) have put in place programs to encourage former emigrants with certain skills to return to their home country. The growth of India's information technology industry, for example, has lured some former emigrants to return.

In recent years, Bangladesh has emerged as a leading manufacturer of textile products and become a frontrunner in South Asia. In fact, in 2019, Bangladesh had a growth rate of 8%, compared to India's of 5.3%. As the trade deficit decreased, the growth in remittances grew strongly by 9.6% in 2019 to reach a record $16.4 billion. The forecast of an increase in domestic demand, hike in public sector wages, and increased construction activity will bolster its economy in the near term, as well. While many of these economies have a considerable share of revenues from international exports, domestic demand is expected to be the primary driver for growth in the near future. Domestic markets make these economies less prone to external vulnerabilities and global financial turmoil.


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